
среда, 18. децембар 2019.

16.dana Aktivizma - 16th day of activism

16.dana Aktivizma - 16th day of activism

16. dana aktivizma od 25 novembra kada se obeležava  dan posvećen borbi protiv nasilja nad ženama  i završava se 10. decembra  danom ljudckih prava.

Uspešne žene su u saradnji sa LJubiteljima knjige" Majdan " i centrom za kulturu Kostolac organizvale tribinu Poetckom rečju protiv nasilja nad ženama.

Tom prilikom su govorili : Olivera Hajrović psiholog , predstavnici centra za socijalni rad Požarevac, naše prestavnice , pesnici a moderator je bila Marija Kopun .


05.12.2019. godine 
                                           Tribina Stop femicidu imam pravo na život 

Tibina posvećena borbi protiv nasilja i femcida kao krajni rezultat dugogodišnjeg nasilja .
gost Marina Simeunović - pravnica i aktiviskinja .
Nasilje i ne prepoznavanje istog je velki problem društva ,sakrivanje i gledanje sa strane nije rešenje već odgovornost svih nas . Jedan spašen život je velik uspeh . 


Radio emisija posvećena borbi protiv FEMICIDA - Stil radio STIL - stop femicidu

Gosti: Marina Simeunović aktivikinja , pravnica , trenerica u borbi za ženska prava 
           Tanja Grgić - aktivskinja i predsednica udruženja Uspešne žene 
          Marija Kopun - članica i aktiviskinja Uspešne žene 


BeFem festival
 Befem je kultni događaj posvećen pravima žena , pola Evrope na malom mestu gde vlada jednakost i ljubav bez razike ko si  i šta si. Mesto gde se rađaju nova prijateljstva  gde se uno toga čuje , nauči . 

The 16th Day of Activism of November 25th is marked by a day dedicated to the fight against violence against women and ends on December 10th by Human Rights Day.

 25.11.2019.               Triuna Poetsky's word against violence against women

Successful women, in collaboration with Majdan Book Lovers and Kostolac Center for Culture, organized a panel with Poetsky's word against violence against women.

On this occasion they spoke: Olivera Hajrovic psychologist, representatives of the Pozarevac Center for Social Work, our representatives, poets, and moderator was Marija Kopun.

05.122019 years
                               Tribune to Stop Femicide I have a right to life

Tibuna dedicated to combating violence and femicide as the end result of years of violence.
guest Marina Simeunovic - lawyer and activist.
Violence and not recognizing it is a big problem for society, hiding and looking away is not the solution but the responsibility of all of us. One life saved is a great success.


Radio show dedicated to the fight against FEMICIDES - Radio style

Guests: Marina Simeunovic activist, lawyer, trainer in the fight for women's rights
           Tanja Grgic - activist and president of the Successful Women Association
          Marija Kopun - member and activist of Successful Woman

BeFem festival

 Befem is a cult event dedicated to women's rights, half of Europe in a small place where equality and love rule without the difference of who you are and what you are. A place where new friendships are born, where one hears it, learns.

уторак, 17. децембар 2019.

DRUGARSTVO -Friendship 20.11.2019

                                 DRUGARSTVO 20.11.2019 god.


Pozdrav dragi moji , 
Druge godine za redom  20.novembar  posvećujemo našoj dečici i pravim vrednostima kojima trebamo mi kao roditelji da učimo svoju decu . Zdravlje , porodicu ,sreću i drugarstvo čine detinstvo  svakog deteta  .


                                Friendship   20.11.2019.

Hello my dear,

For the second year in a row, on November 20th, we dedicate our children and the true values that we as parents need to teach our children. Health, family, happiness and friendship make up every child's childhood.

понедељак, 5. август 2019.

Mreža " Ujedinjene Romkinje protiv nasilja "

Резултат слика за mreža ujedinjenje romkinje protiv nasilja
jul 2019- banja Ždrelo

Ponovno okupljanje ženskih NVO u borbi za prava  žena  u banji Ždrelo 23-26 jula 2019 . 

Mreža "Ujedinjene Romkinje protiv nasilja  "  čiji je pokretač " Centar za ženu i decu Daje" iz Beograda i Nada Đuričković kao osnivač i predsednica udruženja i mreže su nas ponovo okupile u banji Ždrelo  : Zemun, Kragujevac, Beograd, Smederevska Palanka i Kostolac  našle smo se  na malom prostoru da učinimo velike stvari  , pomognemo jedna drugoj , povežemo a pre svega učinimo korak u borbi za prava žena .

                                              "The United Roma women against violence"

Reunion of women's NGOs in the fight for women's rights in the Ždrelo spa July 23-26, 2019.

The United Roma Women Against Violence Network, run by the Belgrade-based Center for Wife and Children, and Nada Djurickovic, as founder and president of the association and network, brought us back to the Zdrilo spa: Zemun, Kragujevac, Belgrade, Smederevska Palanka and Kostolac. to do great things in a small space, to help one another, to connect and, above all, to make a step in the fight for women's rights.

четвртак, 30. мај 2019.



Tribina 26.05.2019.god . posvećena ženama žrtvama nasilja u porodici . 

18. maj kao dan podsećanja na žrtve femicida kada je u  maju 2015 godine za  tri dana ubijeno čak 7 žena u Srbiji . Na tribini su govorili o načinu i postupku kada žena žrtva nasilja u porodici dodje da prijavi nasilje .

  • Dr. Borka Šutović -načelnica doma zdravlja u Kostolcu , 
  • Dragoljub Janković pravnik centra za socijalni rad u Požarevcu i
  •  Ivan Gojković socijalni radnik .

Dogovoreno je da potpišemo memorandum o saradnji sa ostalim  NVO koja  za cilj imaju prava žena i dece uz saradnju sa institucijama .

Zahvaljujemo se svim učesncima na tribini koja je posvećena jednom jedinom pravu , to je pravo na ŽIVOT . 


 Ti si jedina koja može reći da ne želi tako da živi , da ima pravo na ŽIVOT .

Tribune 26.05.2019. dedicated to women victims of domestic violence.

May 18th as a day of remembrance of femicide victims when in May 2015, as many as seven women in Serbia were killed in three days. The panel talked about the way and procedure when a victim of domestic violence came to report violence.
  • Dr. Borka Šutović - the head of the health center in Kostolac,
  • Dragoljub Janković, a lawyer at the Center for Social Work in Požarevac and
  •   Ivan Gojković social worker.

It was agreed to sign a memorandum of cooperation with other NGOs aiming to have the rights of women and children in cooperation with institutions.

We thank all participants at a tribune dedicated to one single right, that is, the right to LIFE.


  You are the only one who can say that he does not want to live so, that he has the right to LIFE.

недеља, 7. април 2019.

I am also a feminist reader of the media - Befem i feminističko čitanje medija

Befem i feminističko čitanje medija 

U Kostolcu 06. aprila u sali doma omladine održan je trening FEMINISTIČKO ČITANJE MEDIJA  . Ženski trio koji je činio Befem devojke Jelena Višnjić , Ana Stevanović i Tanja Ignjatović -Autonomni ženski centar . Mi smo mlado udruženje nama jkako potrebna , pa tako da nam ovaj vid saradnje veoma znači . 


I am also a feminist reader of the media

In Kostolac on April 6, in the hall of the youth hostel training was held FEMINISTIC MEDIA READING. Women's trio that Befem girls Jelena Višnjić, Ana Stevanović and Tanja Ignjatović-Autonomous Women's Center. We are a young association we need, so that this type of cooperation means us very much.


Roma Center Gives Successful Women - Romski Centar Daje i Uspešne žene

Romski Centar Daje i  Uspešne žene 

02. aprila U romskoj kancelariji u Kostolcu potvrđena je sardnja sa"Romskim centrom Daje"iz Beograda i Nadom Đuričković kao predsednicom udruženja . 
 Nastavljamo sa radom i borbom za prava žena . Ta prava o kojima se samo priča i koja skoro niko ne primenjuje . Institucije skoro uvek zatvaraju oči pred nasiljem, nasilnik koristi moć . Jelte on je muško pa mu se može. 

    Roma Center DAJE Successful Women 

On April 2, the Roma office in Kostolac was confirmed with the "Roma Center Daje" from Belgrade and Nado Đuričković as the president of the association.
  We continue to work and fight for women's rights. These rights are just talked about and almost no one applies. Institutions almost always close their eyes to violence, the abuser uses power. He is a male, so he can.

недеља, 10. март 2019.

Žene u susret 8. martu - Women meet on March 8th

Žene u susret 8. martu 

U Kostolcu se po prvi put održala dešavanje koja su posvećena pravima koje mi kao  žene imamo kao ravnopravni građani . Nije u redu što se ovaj praznik pretvorio dan kada svi muškarci misle da će jednim cvetom reše sve probleme ovog sveta .A sutra sve po starom . Ili još gore u takmičenje kada se svi utrkuju ko će više i bolje da kupi . 
 Mi samo želimo da potsetimo žene da 8. mart nije samo cvet nego nešto više od toga .
 Mladi više skoro ništa neznaju o pravoj ljubavi , sve su pomešali (ljubomoru , kontrolu , sebičnost ....). mi smo u okviru svojih dešavanja imale i razgovor za tinejdžerima koji smo obavili u prijatnoj kućnoj atmosveri koja je doprinela da se 
mladi što više otvore i pričaju  na temu ŠTA JE TO LJUBAV .
Razgovaralište  koje je bilo održano 5. marta bilo je veoma posećeno razgovaralo se na teme koje se tiču nas žena , naših prava i ravnopravnosti  .
Ulični performans  8. marta uz poruke da imamo pravo na život i mogućnost da ako nešto neželimo imamo pravo da to kažemo , nasilje ne treba tolerisati nego ga prijaviti uz parolu NEĆU DA ĆUTIM .

 Women meet on March 8th

In Kostolac, for the first time, events have been held dedicated to the rights that we as women have as equal citizens. It's not right that this holiday turned the day when all men think they will solve all the problems of this world with one flower. And tomorrow everything is old. Or even worse in the competition when everyone is racing who will buy more and better.
 We just want to remind women that March 8 is not just a flower, but something more than that.
 Young people almost no longer know about true love, they all mixed together (jealousy, control, selfishness ...). In the course of our events, we also had a conversation for teenagers who we performed in a pleasant home atmosphere that contributed to
young people who open up more and talk about WHAT IS LOVE.
The talk that took place on March 5th was very visited and discussed topics related to women, our rights and equality.
Street performance on March 8th with the message that we have the right to life and the possibility that if we do not want something we have the right to say it, violence should not be tolerated, but it should be reported with the parole I WILL NOT KEEP.

среда, 20. фебруар 2019.

kalendar i program dogadjaja za 8.mart - Calendar and Event Program for 8.MART.

Neformalna grupa „Uspešne žene Kostolca „

Kalendar   I program događaja  za 8.MART.

Mesto Kostolac

1. mart

Okupljanje  tinejdzerki i razgovor na temu „ ŠTA JE TO LJUBAV“
I zasto je bitno prepoznati nasilje , ne trpeti ga i prijaviti.

5. marta 2019 . god sa početkom u 17h .

Želimo da našim sugrađankama poklonimo razgovalište na temu „ 8 mart  nekad i sad - hajde  da se upoznamo „. Sa nama će biti gošće iz svih socijalnih i društvenih grupa (pedagogica, pravnica, penzionerka , tinejdzerka , kuvarica , učiteljica, nezaposlena , samohrana majka .)

Teme :
      ·        život iz njihovog ugla
      ·        prava žena (rad, škola , život)
      ·        zašto ćutimo , čega se bojimo
      ·        ljubav , šta je to

8. mart

·        Ulični performans   „ NEĆU DA ĆUTIM “

Informal group "Successful women of Kostolac"

Calendar and Event Program for 8.MART.

Town of Kostolac

March 1

Gathering teenagers and talking on the topic "WHO IS LOVE"

And why it is important to recognize violence, not suffer and report it.

March 5, 2019. year starting at 17h.

We want to give our fellow citizens a meeting on the topic "March 8th sometime and now - let's get to know each other". We will be guests from all social and social groups (pedagogue, lawyer, pensioner, teenager, cook, teacher, unemployed, single mother).


       · Life from their angle

       · Women's rights (work, school, life)

       · Why we are silent, what we are afraid of

       · Love, what is it?

March 8

· Street performance "I WILL NOT KEEP"

среда, 30. јануар 2019.

Neformalna grupa "Uspešne žene Kostolca"- zavrsni izvestaj -informal group "Successful women of Kostolac" - final report

Додајте натпис
ZA 2018.god.

Neformalna grupa „Uspešne žene Kostolca“ osnovana je u aprilu 2018 god .
        Uspešne žene su osnovane sa ciljom da se bore za prava žene i dece , kao i stvaranje nulte tolerancije protiv nasilja .

·         promocije ženskog aktivizma

        Podrška deci sa razvojnim poteškoćama, stvaranje jednakih šansi i odgovornosti koje porodica i društvo ima prema njima .

Uspešne žene Kostolca je neformalna grupa koja je u procesu registracije, pretežno smo aktivistička organizacija. Aktivnostima  koje organizujemo potstičemo sve aktere na društvenu odgovornost, naročito na položaj žena u društvu. Neke članice grupe Uspešne žene Kostolca imaju dugogodišnje iskustvo u NVO sektoru, u različitim oblastima ljudskih i manjinskih prava . U periodu od našeg formiranja samostalno ili u partnerstvu sa drugim OCD smo realizovale sledeće aktivnosti .

Mi smo grupa koju čine isključivo samo žene i feminiskinje u nama žele da pobedi razum i postanemo dovoljno jake i izborimo se sa svim predrasudama i diskriminacijom žene samo zato što je žena .
Ova mala grupa svakim danom je sve veća i jača, imamo volonterke, aktiviskinje a dobro došle su sve žene koje žele da se njihov glas čuje . Tribinama i učešćem na događajima koji promovišu prava žene (festivali, sastanci radnih grupa , okrugli stolovi).
U junu 2018. god . jedna članica je bila polaznik edukativne kampanje „kako da  sestre rade najbolje „ koja je pocela u junu , septembru i novembru kada je rezultat edukacije bila organizacija humanitarne akcije u Novom Sadu 
„ Žene za klimu „ za SOS centar Novi Sad , gde smo prikupljle sredstava za kupovinu klima uredjaja .

 U Julu 2018 . dve članice grupe su prisustvovale 4 dnevnoj edukaciji (seminaru ) u Novom Sadu u organizaciji Romskog ženskog centra Daje iz Beograda.

  • Obeležile smo Svetski  dan dečijih prava 20.11.2018.god  , okupile smo mališane koji su prenosili  poruke i podsećali građane na osnovna dečija prava.

  • 25 novembra smo uličnim performansom obeležile početak medjunarodne kampanje 16 . dana aktivizma u borbi  protiv nasilja nad ženama

  • 01.12.2018.god smo volontirale na BEFEM festivalu koji promoviše feminizam i prava žene u društvu.
  • Šesotg  decembara   Medjunarodni dan borbe protiv femicida obeležili smo tribinom ” STOP FEMICID” u Kostolcu  saradnji sa Centrom za socijalni rad, zdravstvenom medijatorkom, naših prijatelja, aktiviskinja i volontera.
  • Desetog decembra smo u saradnji sa Romsko ženskim udruženjem RUŽ iz Kostolca i Udruženjem društvo ROM iz Kostolca obeležili Medjunarodni dan ljudskih prava. Tom prilikom je održan okrugli sto na kojem su prisustvovali stručni relaventni predstavnici institucija i  doneti zaključci koji se uglavnom odnose na veću participaciju nacionalnih manjina i žena u organe donošenja odluka Lokalne samouprave.

Članice naše grupe učestvuju u radu lokalne akcione grupe u okviru programa Saveta Evrope ROMACTED, koji ima za cilj da osnaži građane za pokretanje građanskih inicijativa u cilju rešavanja prioritetnih problema u zajednici.
Mi smo grupa koju čine isključivo samo žene i feminiskinje u nama žele da pobedi razum i postanemo dovoljno jake i izborimo se sa svim predrasudama i diskriminacijom žene samo zato što je žena .

Ova mala grupa svakim danom je sve veća i jača, imamo volonterke, aktiviskinje a dobro došle su sve žene koje žele da se njihov glas čuje . Tribinama i učešćem na događajima koji promovišu prava žene (festivali, sastanci radnih grupa , okrugli stolovi).

Plan za 2019.

Februar – organizovanje akcije sakupljanja  i podela zimske odeće
Mart – razgovaralište na temu „u susret 8 martu „
-      Trening pod organizacijom Jelene Višnjić jedne od osnivača BEFEM festa
-      Trening pod organizacijom Olivere Kurtić
Kao i učešće u raznim aktivnostima koji se bave tom problematikom ,   samostalnoj ili partnerskoj organizaciji .



Informal group "Successful women Kostolac" was founded in April 2018.

• Successful women have been established with the aim of fighting for the rights of women and children, as well as creating zero tolerance against violence.

  • · Promotion of female activism

• Supporting children with developmental disabilities, creating equal opportunities and responsibilities that the family and society has towards them.

The successful woman Kostolac is an informal group that is in the process of registration, we are mostly an activist organization. The activities we organize will encourage all actors to social responsibility, especially the position of women in society. Some members of the Successful Women of Kostolac Group have many years of experience in the NGO sector, in various areas of human and minority rights. In the period since our formation alone or in partnership with other CSOs we have implemented the following activities.

We are a group that consists solely of women and feminine women in us want to win the mind and become strong enough and deal with all the prejudices and discrimination of women just because it is a woman.

This small group is growing bigger and stronger every day, we have volunteers, activists, and all women who want to hear their voices are welcome. Discussions and participation in events that promote women's rights (festivals, meetings of working groups, roundtables).

In June 2018, one member was a participant in an educational campaign "how to make sisters doing the best" which began in June, September and November when the result of education was the organization of humanitarian action in Novi Sad

"Women for Climate" for SOS Center Novi Sad, where we collected funds for the purchase of air conditioners.

 In July 2018. two members of the group attended the 4-day training (seminar) in Novi Sad organized by the Roma Women's Center Daje from Belgrade.

We celebrated the World Children's Day on November 20, 2018, we gathered children who carried messages and reminded citizens of basic children's rights.

On November 25 we marked the beginning of an international campaign with street performances 16. days of activism in the fight against violence against women

On December 1, 2018, we volunteered at the BEFEM festival promoting feminism and women's rights in society.

Sixth December International Femicide Day was marked by the tribunal "STOP FEMICID" in Kostolac in cooperation with the Center for Social Work, health mediator, our friends, activists and volunteers.
On December 10th, in cooperation with the Romany Women's Association RUŽ from Kostolac and Association ROM ROM from Kostolac, we marked the International Human Rights Day. On that occasion, a roundtable was held where professional relevant representatives of institutions attended and made conclusions that mainly refer to the greater participation of national minorities and women in decision-making bodies of the local self-government.

Members of our group participate in the work of the local action group within the framework of the Council of Europe's ROMACTED Program, which aims to empower citizens to launch civic initiatives in order to solve priority problems in the community.

We are a group that consists solely of women and feminine women in us want to win the mind and become strong enough and deal with all the prejudices and discrimination of women just because it is a woman.

This small group is growing bigger and stronger every day, we have volunteers, activists, and all women who want to hear their voices are welcome. Discussions and participation in events that promote women's rights (festivals, meetings of working groups, roundtables).

Plan for 2019.

February - organizing a collection campaign and sharing winter clothes

March - a talk on "meeting March 8"

- Training under the organization Jelena Visnjic one of the founders of BEFEM fest

- Training under the organization Olivera Kurtić

As well as participation in various activities dealing with this issue, independent or partner organization.