
недеља, 7. април 2019.

Roma Center Gives Successful Women - Romski Centar Daje i Uspešne žene

Romski Centar Daje i  Uspešne žene 

02. aprila U romskoj kancelariji u Kostolcu potvrđena je sardnja sa"Romskim centrom Daje"iz Beograda i Nadom Đuričković kao predsednicom udruženja . 
 Nastavljamo sa radom i borbom za prava žena . Ta prava o kojima se samo priča i koja skoro niko ne primenjuje . Institucije skoro uvek zatvaraju oči pred nasiljem, nasilnik koristi moć . Jelte on je muško pa mu se može. 

    Roma Center DAJE Successful Women 

On April 2, the Roma office in Kostolac was confirmed with the "Roma Center Daje" from Belgrade and Nado Đuričković as the president of the association.
  We continue to work and fight for women's rights. These rights are just talked about and almost no one applies. Institutions almost always close their eyes to violence, the abuser uses power. He is a male, so he can.

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