Mreža " Ujedinjene Romkinje protiv nasilja "
jul 2019- banja Ždrelo |
Ponovno okupljanje ženskih NVO u borbi za prava žena u banji Ždrelo 23-26 jula 2019 .
Mreža "Ujedinjene Romkinje protiv nasilja " čiji je pokretač " Centar za ženu i decu Daje" iz Beograda i Nada Đuričković kao osnivač i predsednica udruženja i mreže su nas ponovo okupile u banji Ždrelo : Zemun, Kragujevac, Beograd, Smederevska Palanka i Kostolac našle smo se na malom prostoru da učinimo velike stvari , pomognemo jedna drugoj , povežemo a pre svega učinimo korak u borbi za prava žena .
"The United Roma women against violence"
Reunion of women's NGOs in the fight for women's rights in the Ždrelo spa July 23-26, 2019.
The United Roma Women Against Violence Network, run by the Belgrade-based Center for Wife and Children, and Nada Djurickovic, as founder and president of the association and network, brought us back to the Zdrilo spa: Zemun, Kragujevac, Belgrade, Smederevska Palanka and Kostolac. to do great things in a small space, to help one another, to connect and, above all, to make a step in the fight for women's rights.
"The United Roma women against violence"
Reunion of women's NGOs in the fight for women's rights in the Ždrelo spa July 23-26, 2019.
The United Roma Women Against Violence Network, run by the Belgrade-based Center for Wife and Children, and Nada Djurickovic, as founder and president of the association and network, brought us back to the Zdrilo spa: Zemun, Kragujevac, Belgrade, Smederevska Palanka and Kostolac. to do great things in a small space, to help one another, to connect and, above all, to make a step in the fight for women's rights.
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