Kao što je i najavljeno, u nedelju, 08.08.2021. godine, u okviru projekta "Osnažene da menjam", udruženje Uspešne žene Kostolca, održalo je dve radionice. Tema jedne radionice bila je "Važnost obrazovanja za lični razvoj u društvu", dok se na drugoj radionicu govorilo na temu partnerskim odnosima i o ulozi i obavezama mladih u istim. Radionicama je prethodio rad na terenu, kao jedan od načina da se mladi animiraju i pozovu da uzmu učešće u radionicama. U odličnoj atmosferi, sa mladima se razgovaralo o njihovim životnim izborima i planovima, kao i o riziku od polno prenosivih bolesti i neplanirane trudnoće, i o karakteristikama zdravog i nezdravog partnerskog odnosa.
Kako često ističemo da je jedan od glavnih ciljeva našeg Uruženja podizanje svesti Romkinja o ostvarivanju svojih prava, mislimo da su ovako organizovane i uspešno realizovane radionice jedan od dobrih načina da svoj cilj i ostvarimo.
As announced, on Sunday, August 8, 2021. year, within the project "Empowered to change", the association of Successful Women of Kostolac, held two workshops. The topic of one workshop was "The importance of education for personal development in society", while the other workshop discussed the topic of partnerships and the role and obligations of young people in them. The workshops were preceded by field work, as one of the ways to animate young people and invite them to take part in the workshops. In a great atmosphere, young people were discussed about their life choices and plans, as well as the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy, and the characteristics of a healthy and unhealthy relationship.
As we often point out that one of the main goals of our Association is to raise the awareness of Roma women about the realization of their rights, we think that such organized and successfully realized workshops are one of the good ways to achieve our goal.
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