
субота, 26. мај 2018.

Samohrana majka - Single mom

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Samohrana majka 

OVO SU PITANJA  koje cesto cujemo 


v Da nekog ubedjujemo da smo dobre majke , kad se to vidi na detetu.
v Da i dalje idemo od suda do suda i prolazimo kroz pakao nekoliko puta da bi decu prijave , dobile zdravstvene knjizice, upisale u skolu , vodile na more .
v Kada pise na resenju suda da je majka zakonski staratelj , to vise niko ne priznaje nego trazi potpise coveka koji vec odavno nije u kontaktu sa detetom ili jos gore malteretira i dalje . ( kako takvog coveka pitati da ti potpise da vodis dete na more) ili takozvanu privremenu meru koja vazi od 2012 . god .

Hoce li neko da se bavi pitanjima ovih majki?


Deca iz hraniteljskih porodica starija od sedam godina dobijaju još i mesečni džeparac od 3.328 dinara. Imaju pravo da konkurišu za stipendije, ali zato moraju da budu vrlodobri i odlični đaci ili studenti da očiste prethodnu godinu studija. Dodatni džeparac dobijaju za proslave mature, ekskurzije, rekreativnu nastavu ili sticanje diplome.(nadam se da ta deca stvarno dobijaju te pare kad im drzava vec daje  , I da li oni uposte I znaju  za te pare )

Tako treba i deci koja imaju samo jednog roditelja .

Ovo treba da vazi i za decu koja zive samo sa jednim roditeljem 

Single mom

Резултат слика за samohrane majke

THESE are the questions we often hear


 To convince someone that we are good mothers, when this is seen on the child.

 We still go from court to court and we go through hell several times to report to children, get medical books, enroll in school, lead to the sea.

 When it is written on the court's decision that the mother is a legal guardian, no one recognizes it, but asks for signatures of a man who has not been in contact with the child for a long time or continues to groan even further. (how to ask such a man to sign you to lead a child to the sea) or the so-called temporary measure in force since 2012 year.

Will anyone be dealing with these mother's questions?

Pocket money

Children from foster families older than seven years receive a monthly pocket of 3,328 dinars. They have the right to apply for scholarships, but they also need to be excellent students and students to clean up the previous year of study. An additional pocket money is obtained for celebrations of graduation, excursion, recreational classes or the acquisition of a diploma (I hope that these children really get those couples when the state gives them already, and whether they come up and know about these couples)

That's the way for children who have only one parent.

This should be true for children who live with only one parent

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