Margaret Hilda Tačer |
Margaret Hilda Tačer, baronesa Tačer bila je britanska političarka, bivša predsednica vlade Ujedinjenog Кraljevstva, poznata kao Čelična dama. Vikipedija
Rođena: 13. oktobar 1925., Grantam, Ujedinjeno Кraljevstvo
Moćna, samouverena žena zna da su darovi poput logike, snage i odlučnosti, odlika žene, jednako koliko i intuicija i emotivna povezanost. Žena ceni i koristi sve svoje vrline."
- Nancy Rathburn -
"Divim se mladim ženama koje grabe svet pred sobom i ne ustručavaju se da uzmu sve što požele. Život je prilično težak i često nepravedan, morate da budete jake, odlučne i spremne da se svima suprotstavite zarad svojih ciljeva i želja."
Maja Andželou, rođ. kao Margaret Eni Džonson (4. april 1928 - 28. maj2014), bila je afroamerička spisateljica, pesnikinja, plesačica, glumica i pevačica. Objavila je sedam autobiografija, tri knjige eseja i nekoliko knjiga poezije. Pisala je pozorišne komade, te filmske i TV scenarije. Dobitnica je brojnih književnih nagrada. Prva od sedam autobiografija, pod naslovom "Znam zašto ptica u kavezu peva" (1969), u kojoj piše o svom životu do sedamnaeste godine, proslavila je Maju Andželou širom sveta.
"Kada muškarac, zauzme stav o nečemu, on je poštovan i cenjen. Kad to uradi žena, ona je kučka."
Beti Dejvis ( 5. april 1908 — 6. oktobar 1989) je bila američka filmska, pozorišna i televizijskaglumica, neretko navođena kao Prva dama američkog filma i jedna od najvećih filmskih diva svih vremena.
Very wise words, VERY SPECIAL WOMEN
If you want your voice to be heard, ask a man; if you need to do something, ask a woman. "
- Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher was a British politician, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, known as the Steel Lady. Born: October 13, 1925, Grantam, United Kingdom
A powerful, confident woman knows that gifts such as logic, strength and determination are the characteristics of women, as much as intuition and emotional connection. A woman appreciates and uses all her virtues. "
- - Nancy Rathburn -
"I admire the young women who grab the world in front of me and do not hesitate to take whatever they want. Life is quite difficult and often unjust, you have to be strong, determined and ready to confront everyone for their goals and desires."
- Maja Andželou, born. like Margaret Eni Johnson (April 4, 1928 - May 28, 2014), was an African-American writer, poet, dancer, actress and singer. She has published seven autobiographies, three essay books and several poetry books. She wrote theater pieces, film and TV scenarios. She has received numerous literary awards. The first of the seven autobiographies, entitled "I Know Why a Bird Singing in a Cage" (1969), in which she writes about her life until the age of seventeen, celebrated Maya Angelou around the world.
And this is 100% accurate
"When a man takes a stand on something, he is respected and respected. When a woman does it, she is a bitch."
- Beth Davis (April 5, 1908 - October 6, 1989) was an American film, theater and television actress, often referred to as the First Lady of American Film and one of the greatest film giants of all time.