
среда, 18. децембар 2019.

16.dana Aktivizma - 16th day of activism

16.dana Aktivizma - 16th day of activism

16. dana aktivizma od 25 novembra kada se obeležava  dan posvećen borbi protiv nasilja nad ženama  i završava se 10. decembra  danom ljudckih prava.

Uspešne žene su u saradnji sa LJubiteljima knjige" Majdan " i centrom za kulturu Kostolac organizvale tribinu Poetckom rečju protiv nasilja nad ženama.

Tom prilikom su govorili : Olivera Hajrović psiholog , predstavnici centra za socijalni rad Požarevac, naše prestavnice , pesnici a moderator je bila Marija Kopun .


05.12.2019. godine 
                                           Tribina Stop femicidu imam pravo na život 

Tibina posvećena borbi protiv nasilja i femcida kao krajni rezultat dugogodišnjeg nasilja .
gost Marina Simeunović - pravnica i aktiviskinja .
Nasilje i ne prepoznavanje istog je velki problem društva ,sakrivanje i gledanje sa strane nije rešenje već odgovornost svih nas . Jedan spašen život je velik uspeh . 


Radio emisija posvećena borbi protiv FEMICIDA - Stil radio STIL - stop femicidu

Gosti: Marina Simeunović aktivikinja , pravnica , trenerica u borbi za ženska prava 
           Tanja Grgić - aktivskinja i predsednica udruženja Uspešne žene 
          Marija Kopun - članica i aktiviskinja Uspešne žene 


BeFem festival
 Befem je kultni događaj posvećen pravima žena , pola Evrope na malom mestu gde vlada jednakost i ljubav bez razike ko si  i šta si. Mesto gde se rađaju nova prijateljstva  gde se uno toga čuje , nauči . 

The 16th Day of Activism of November 25th is marked by a day dedicated to the fight against violence against women and ends on December 10th by Human Rights Day.

 25.11.2019.               Triuna Poetsky's word against violence against women

Successful women, in collaboration with Majdan Book Lovers and Kostolac Center for Culture, organized a panel with Poetsky's word against violence against women.

On this occasion they spoke: Olivera Hajrovic psychologist, representatives of the Pozarevac Center for Social Work, our representatives, poets, and moderator was Marija Kopun.

05.122019 years
                               Tribune to Stop Femicide I have a right to life

Tibuna dedicated to combating violence and femicide as the end result of years of violence.
guest Marina Simeunovic - lawyer and activist.
Violence and not recognizing it is a big problem for society, hiding and looking away is not the solution but the responsibility of all of us. One life saved is a great success.


Radio show dedicated to the fight against FEMICIDES - Radio style

Guests: Marina Simeunovic activist, lawyer, trainer in the fight for women's rights
           Tanja Grgic - activist and president of the Successful Women Association
          Marija Kopun - member and activist of Successful Woman

BeFem festival

 Befem is a cult event dedicated to women's rights, half of Europe in a small place where equality and love rule without the difference of who you are and what you are. A place where new friendships are born, where one hears it, learns.

уторак, 17. децембар 2019.

DRUGARSTVO -Friendship 20.11.2019

                                 DRUGARSTVO 20.11.2019 god.


Pozdrav dragi moji , 
Druge godine za redom  20.novembar  posvećujemo našoj dečici i pravim vrednostima kojima trebamo mi kao roditelji da učimo svoju decu . Zdravlje , porodicu ,sreću i drugarstvo čine detinstvo  svakog deteta  .


                                Friendship   20.11.2019.

Hello my dear,

For the second year in a row, on November 20th, we dedicate our children and the true values that we as parents need to teach our children. Health, family, happiness and friendship make up every child's childhood.