
недеља, 10. март 2019.

Žene u susret 8. martu - Women meet on March 8th

Žene u susret 8. martu 

U Kostolcu se po prvi put održala dešavanje koja su posvećena pravima koje mi kao  žene imamo kao ravnopravni građani . Nije u redu što se ovaj praznik pretvorio dan kada svi muškarci misle da će jednim cvetom reše sve probleme ovog sveta .A sutra sve po starom . Ili još gore u takmičenje kada se svi utrkuju ko će više i bolje da kupi . 
 Mi samo želimo da potsetimo žene da 8. mart nije samo cvet nego nešto više od toga .
 Mladi više skoro ništa neznaju o pravoj ljubavi , sve su pomešali (ljubomoru , kontrolu , sebičnost ....). mi smo u okviru svojih dešavanja imale i razgovor za tinejdžerima koji smo obavili u prijatnoj kućnoj atmosveri koja je doprinela da se 
mladi što više otvore i pričaju  na temu ŠTA JE TO LJUBAV .
Razgovaralište  koje je bilo održano 5. marta bilo je veoma posećeno razgovaralo se na teme koje se tiču nas žena , naših prava i ravnopravnosti  .
Ulični performans  8. marta uz poruke da imamo pravo na život i mogućnost da ako nešto neželimo imamo pravo da to kažemo , nasilje ne treba tolerisati nego ga prijaviti uz parolu NEĆU DA ĆUTIM .

 Women meet on March 8th

In Kostolac, for the first time, events have been held dedicated to the rights that we as women have as equal citizens. It's not right that this holiday turned the day when all men think they will solve all the problems of this world with one flower. And tomorrow everything is old. Or even worse in the competition when everyone is racing who will buy more and better.
 We just want to remind women that March 8 is not just a flower, but something more than that.
 Young people almost no longer know about true love, they all mixed together (jealousy, control, selfishness ...). In the course of our events, we also had a conversation for teenagers who we performed in a pleasant home atmosphere that contributed to
young people who open up more and talk about WHAT IS LOVE.
The talk that took place on March 5th was very visited and discussed topics related to women, our rights and equality.
Street performance on March 8th with the message that we have the right to life and the possibility that if we do not want something we have the right to say it, violence should not be tolerated, but it should be reported with the parole I WILL NOT KEEP.