Neformalna grupa „Uspešne žene Kostolca „
program događaja za 8.MART.
1. mart
Okupljanje tinejdzerki i razgovor na temu „ ŠTA JE TO
I zasto je bitno prepoznati nasilje , ne
trpeti ga i prijaviti.
5. marta 2019 . god sa početkom u 17h .
Želimo da našim sugrađankama poklonimo
razgovalište na temu „ 8 mart nekad i
sad - hajde da se upoznamo „. Sa nama će
biti gošće iz svih socijalnih i društvenih grupa (pedagogica, pravnica,
penzionerka , tinejdzerka , kuvarica , učiteljica, nezaposlena , samohrana
majka .)
Teme :
život iz njihovog ugla
prava žena (rad, škola , život)
zašto ćutimo , čega se bojimo
ljubav , šta je to
8. mart
Ulični performans „ NEĆU DA ĆUTIM “
Informal group "Successful women of Kostolac"
Calendar and Event Program for 8.MART.
Town of Kostolac
March 1
Gathering teenagers and talking on the topic "WHO IS LOVE"
And why it is important to recognize violence, not suffer and report it.
March 5, 2019. year starting at 17h.
We want to give our fellow citizens a meeting on the topic "March 8th sometime and now - let's get to know each other". We will be guests from all social and social groups (pedagogue, lawyer, pensioner, teenager, cook, teacher, unemployed, single mother).
· Life from their angle
· Women's rights (work, school, life)
· Why we are silent, what we are afraid of
· Love, what is it?
March 8
· Street performance "I WILL NOT KEEP"